City of Pittsburg Opportunity Zone Investment Prospectus
Established by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, Opportunity Zones are a tool for community development that provides tax incentives for investment in designated areas.
Investments made through special funds in these zones are allowed to defer or eliminate federal taxes on capital gains. Highly anticipated and closely watched, Opportunity Zones are becoming a popular investment tool throughout the country.
The State of California is taking an active role in promoting and supporting Opportunity Zones to further environmental justice, sustainability, climate change, and housing. The State and the City of Pittsburg are focused on investable pipeline development and community engagement.
Pittsburg itself is home to nearly 1,700 acres of Opportunity Zones, nearly half of which are within the Railroad Avenue Specific Plan Area. The Specific Plan calls for increased density and development intensity near the newly opened BART Station and Civic Center and has begun to attract significant investment.