City of Pittsburg Launches Old Town Walking Tour Website

Welcome to Old Town, Pittsburg California’s Historic Downtown Business District. Located at the confluence of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers, Pittsburg and its Old Town has over 170 years of history to discover beginning with New York of the Pacific in 1849. With its parks, restaurants and scenic marina, there is a lot to see, do and enjoy in Old Town. Come spend the day in our newly redeveloped business district and learn about the history of Old Town Pittsburg through this photographic walking tour.

In July, City of Pittsburg Economic Development Department launches the Old Town walking tour project in collaboration with City of Pittsburg GIS and Pittsburg Historical Society. This historic walk tour is a one mile loop around the downtown area of Pittsburg. The Old Town walking tour website is one of the initial parts of this long-term project, which aims at discovering downtown Pittsburg, making the city more attractive to both the residents and visitors.

The walking tour website is an ArcGIS story map. Click Here to tour the historic Pittsburg!

Old Town Walking Tour Website

Old Town Walking Tour Website Homepage

The Old Town walking tour website documents 13 historic buildings and monuments in Pittsburg downtown and marina. Their dates of construction range from 1924 to 1936. The website provides the current address of these structures as well as a short introduction. For some buildings, the website enables a parallel viewer so that users can seamlessly observe and compare the past-to-present changes of these historic buildings.

Past vs. Present Comparison - Bank Building (1921)

With the help of the GIS specialists in City of Pittsburg, the walking tour website is embedded with interactive maps and geographical information. Attached with each historic site are their satellite images and google map links. At the bottom of the page, one can find a GIS-based interactive map which includes the images, names and coordinates of all the spots. In the future, the Economic Development Dept. and GIS specialists plan to increase the interactive functionality of the maps, adding more elements and layers to the demonstration page.

Interactive map at the bottom of the web page

The Old Town Walking Tour Website has a Spanish version which is translated by city staffs. With the help of Pittsburg Historic Society, a special voice recording version of the walking tour is being recorded for special needs. In the following months, physical signs, which include site information and website links, will be assembled along the tour route.

The Old Town Walking Tour is the first project within a series of walking tour promoted by Think Pittsburg and the City Economic Development Department, aiming at rising the attractiveness of popularity of city downtown. The department is now working on the Arts Walk and Recreation Tour following the historic walking tour.


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